18 Januar 2005


student test answer: "Sinners in the Hands of an Ugly God"

Hannah: Idaho is funny. It's the kind of thing that's funny if it's not happening to you.

DJ (to Ian): You shouldn't bend over like that when you're wearing a thong.

James: (stretching) My joints suck.
Mike: Well maybe you should find another dealer.

Diesel: I don't have a groin hole. Just a groin threadbare.

Mike: ...which leads me to believe Jesus was actually a walking pinata.


Anonymous Anonym said...

daiv - "Yes, please record the lossless silence. My silence is muffled."

Austin (a few minutes before)- "If I were to record silence, put it on my iPod, then crnk up the volume, would it drown out the sounds?"

1:04 PM  
Blogger beezle said...

random kid (in dodgeball): give me a ball, I can nail this one!

10:40 PM  

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